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The Villa Vogelsang

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The Villa Vogelsang is a villa on the Ruhr Heights in thedistrict Horstin Essen.
The entrepreneur Friedrich Ludwig Niemann had the villa built in 1840 after plans by Karl Friedrich Schinkels. He sold the villa in 1870 to his proxy Heinrich Dammer, who lived there with his sister Eugenie. The villa was auctioned due to bankruptcy on the 27th of September 1910 and so went to the Essen entrepreneur Wilhelm Vogelsang (1877-1939).
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The family Vogelsang sold the house in 1947 to the Red Cross, who used the villa as a mother's rest centre. The house was then bought in the year 1962 by the diocese Essen and is now being used as a monastery.
The Wuppertal electronic entrepreneur Reinhard Wiesemann bought the facility on the 1st of July 1994 to restore the villa until 1999 within keeping of monumental protection guidelines. Today it houses a hotel and a convention centre especially for Linux themes. Part of the premises is�a 25.000 m� large private park with electricity and network connections.
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